Workers’ Compensation Denied?
Get Experienced Legal Assistance from Our Boston Worker’s Comp Attorney
If you suffered a serious injury at the workplace, you are eligible to obtain workers’ compensation in Massachusetts. However, workers’ compensation claims may be denied for various reasons. If your initial attempt to recover workers’ compensation benefits is denied, it is imperative to get the experienced legal help of a qualified lawyer who handles workers’ compensation issues.
With more than 55 years of combined experience, the Law Office of Steven R. Whitman LLC is dedicated to helping you obtain the benefits and justice you deserve. Our Boston workers’ compensation attorneys can guide you through the complexities of the legal system and help you make the best recovery possible from injury or illness.
Contact us and request a free case evaluation today.
Why Workers’ Compensation Claims are Denied
If your workers’ comp claim was denied, the first thing to do is figure out why. This should be explained in the denial letter. While you could be denied for simply not meeting eligibility requirements, you may appeal the decision if there was an error present in your denial.
The following are common reasons why workers’ compensation benefits are denied:
- Injury was not reported on time
- Claim was not filed in a timely manner
- Injury is not compensable
- Employer disputes claim
- No medical treatment provided after injury
- Insufficient evidence that the injury is work-related
Ready to Fight for You Today
Do not give up your right to workers’ compensation benefits just because your claim is denied the first time around. Let our Boston workers’ comp lawyers review your case and determine all of your available legal options.
Call (617) 227-8118 to get started on your case.